Going into the consolation game, there was still a feeling that the Comets should have been in the championship round. The previous loss still hurt, but the team would have to move on. They would have to sharpen their focus, and concentrate on beating Bayonne in the consolation round. And focus they did!
They came out playing strong and sticking to their game plan. Much of the play was in Bayonne's end, and Evan helped the Comets pulled away to a 2-0 lead with 2 goals at the end of the 1st. The 2nd period would see the Comets strong play continue, and this time it would be Thomas that would increase the lead to 4-0 by the end of the second.
The 3rd period would open with Robbie and Ian both scoring increasing the lead to 6-0. However shortly after that Bayonne would score two goals in less than 30 seconds, and visions of the Edison game started creeping in. Coach Church called a time out to settle the team down, give the players a bit of rest, and let them regain their focus that had been so strong. The Comets continued to play strong, and Robbie and Ian each scored one more goal, bring the final score to 8-2.
This game was a great opportunity to see some of the players that don't see a lot of ice time, to get some 3rd period action. It proved to be a great night for the entire team!
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