Well, here we are again, at the beginning of a new season .. well almost. As most of you know, the season does not officially start until November 15th. But that doesn't mean the team is just sitting around and waiting. Captain practices, High School open house, parent meetings, fund raising, and Comets Ice Hockey apparel are all well underway.
With a smaller squad this year, the Comets having been sharing the captains practices with the River Dell/Westwood hockey team, and things are going very well. Turnout for the Comet squad could be a little better, but many students are still involved in other activities. However the work ethic of those who are showing up has been impressive. A nice little bonus is that many of the players from both HHS and RD have played together before in the Ice Dog organization, and with Ice Dog coach Jim Schafer running the practices, there has been a great synergy! The Comets should be well prepared for the start of the season!
In addition, HHS hosted an Open House for 8th graders, where they can come and learn about all the activities the school has to offer. The Ice Hockey table was buzzing! Coach Church and many of the varsity players were on hand to answer questions, and encourage future players! The sign ups were impressive!
The Parent Meetings are underway, and Yankee Candle fund raising is going strong! Remember, forms are due back Nov. 7th. The Comet apparel for the '11-'12 season is being finalized now, and order forms should be available shortly.
As everyone knows, this team is going to be a small squad this year. They are going to need the support of all family, friends, neighbors, ... distant relatives ... Facebook friends ... everyone they can to make this a successful season. Lets come out to show our support and our commitment to these kids!!! Good Luck Comets!!!